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In 1955, a biological attempt to cross a German shepherd (NO) and a Carpathian wolf took place in border guard kennels (PS) in the then Czechoslovakia. The aim of this crossing was to get service dogs for the needs of Czechoslovak border guards. It was assumed that the "pouring" of wolf blood into the blood of NO would achieve in dogs the higher resistance, endurance and vigilance required to secure the western border of the then Czechoslovakia. The experiment was aimed at identifying some issues of interspecies crossing from a biological point of view, in terms of heredity, biometrics, physiological differences between dogs, wolves and crossbreeds. Questions of positive and negative conditional reflexes, irritation and attenuation processes, endogenous activity, social behavior and changes in the life of the animal should also be monitored.

Since the project was to be carried out in several PS kennels in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, pplk. Ing. Karel Hartl, Chief of Service Cynology ps. František Rosík, who was a cynologist of the Bratislava PS Brigade, started the project in 1957. On 26.05.1958, the first crossbreeds were born in the kennel PS Libějovice after the admitment of the Carpathian wolves of BRITA, which came from the Palota field in eastern Slovakia, the dogs NO CÉZAR from Břez grove. Of the five puppies born / 1 dog and 4 subbers / a little F1 BETY was used for further crossing, which was used in the kennel Libějovice and the little dog F1 BERTA, which was transported to Slovakia and used in the kennel PS Šamorín. Other crosses remained in the Czech Republic.

Several litters of F2 – F4 generation have been left from the offspring of the BETY. Another breed involved bitch F2 BARKA / d. 03.03.1961/ and her son F3 HRON /d.c. 03.12.1962/. In šamorín breeder's station / later Malacky/, F1 BERTA was mated NO HASO from Šamorín, where on 20.02.1960 F2 generation puppies, OSA and OLA from PS and dogs ODIN, OLD and ONYX from PS were born, which at the age of 19 months were transported back to Libějovice. Without this relocation, further crossing in the Czech Republic would not have been possible.

OLD and ODIN from PS contributed to the expansion of breeding also among the first civilian breeders from the Rye, pp. Driml, Stehlík, Brožek, Beroušek, Sabo, Strnad, Merry, Dr. Kafka.

OSA from PS contributed to the revival and expansion of breeding in Czech kennels through daughter CAPKA F3 / nar. 03.09.1961/, granddaughters ANETA F4 / d. 02.09.1963/ and great-granddaughter DURA F5 / d.o.b. 14.06.1965/. Mr. Kincl contributed to the expansion of the offspring of OSY from PS in civilian kennels in the Czech Republic.

After one litter in the Czech Republic, the F2 OSA bitch from PS returned to the Bratislava PS Brigade. Of the 66 dogs and 40 dogs, KAČA F3 / d.e. 06.11.1962/ participated in breeding through daughter TIRA F4 /nar.03.03.1966/ and son GRIN F4 / nar.30.07. 1968/.

The second line originated from the connection of BRITA Carpathian Wolves and NO KURT from Wenceslas. F1 puppies were born on 21.05.1960 in Libějovice / 4 dogs and 2 doss/. Dog BIKAR F1 was at the request of p. Rosík at the age of two months transferred to the ps kennel in Slovakia. In Malacky, he mated two NO ONDA from PS and NO NINA from PS.

The experiment was completed in 1965 and confirmed that most crossbreeds were preconditioned for further breeding. Already in the first crossbreeds, their exercise and socialization among humans was verified, and therefore already in 1966, after the dog F2 ODIN, 16 individuals and 18 individuals were assigned to civilian breeders. However, the registration of these individuals was refused to the civilian register of the herd-book.

Another crossing was at the police kennel in Bhoor in 1968, where the Carpathian wolf ARGO mated the no ASTA from the SNB. From the first pass it was selected for further breeding of the F1 URA SNB bitch. This one was repeatedly denied by NO AJAX von Altenplen. From the first pass, the dog F2 INK from the SNB was selected for further breeding and was transferred with his mother URA SNB to the PS kennel in Libějovice. Here the admitment was repeated and an F2 BARA bitch from PS was removed from the litter.

In the further breeding of this crossing, the INK from SNB and BARA from PS was applied, which were requested by Mr. František Rosík and transferred from Libějovic to the kennel PS Malacky, thus preventing their destruction.

In August 1968 there was a change in the position of PS chief and in other ps kennels in the Czech Republic, the breeding of crosses was completed. Several dedicated civilian breeders who continued breeding in the Czech Republic, under the influence of external conditions, lost the necessary support and their breeding ceased to be lost. After 1971, there was a complete roasting of the breeding of crosses in the Czech Republic. Breeding was only resumed on 11.08.1981, when mr. Vladimír Mádla from Cologne carried out a litter after the ZILKA from PS, which was bred in the ps kennel in Slovakia. Here the crossbreeds were used as service dogs in the PS department.

The cynologist of the Bratislava PS Brigade was mjr. František Rosík, for whom the breeding of Czechoslovak wolves became a lifelong mission and therefore its merits created conditions for the continuation of breeding even in the 1970s. During this period, a circle of service and civilian breeders managed to concentrate around the PS kennel in Malacky, thus essentially securing a breeding base allowing to improve the quality of the selection of individuals for further breeding.

In 1974, the third Carpathian wolf SHARIK entered the population. From the admitment of bitch F3 XELA from PS came descendants who applied in breeding through dog XAVAN from PS, through sons REP from PS, CIRUS from PS and grandson of BREST from PS. whose descendants were edified in a civilian environment. Breeders from Slovakia believed in the good qualities of the newly formed breed. Pp. participated in the breeding of ČSV in civilian kennels. Ing. Sopúch, Beleš, Dr. Švec, Klčo, Fuska, Budinský, Blaho, Richnovský, Pipáš, Szalay, but also breeders from the Czech Republic and Moravia pp. Mádle, Smrčka, Šimáčková, Čížek and others. Thanks to ps breeding station in Slovakia, all living animals came from Slovakia. This large enough animal population made it possible to fulfill the long-term efforts of breeders and breeders - the establishment of a club.

On 20.03.1982, františek Rosík founded the Club of Breeders of the Czechoslovak Wolves / KCHČSV / at the meeting in Brno to complete the breeding of the newly emerging breed. On 02.04.1982, the Federal Committee of Breeders' Associations of the Czechoslovak Republic, led by Mr. Mikuláš Račkaj, chairman of the Slovak Central Committee of the Breeders' Association, confirmed the establishment of a national club based in Prague and a branch in Bratislava.

The main goal after the establishment of the club was to continue the breeding of ČSV and to ensure that due to its good qualities inherited from the Carpathian wolf and NO, it was included among the breeds recognized by FCI. Since the establishment of the ČCHČSV, ČSCH led the breeding book ČSCH until 01.01.1991, then from 01.01.1991 to 31.03.1992 the entries were made p. Husárová with her daughter. From 01.04.1992 to 31.12.1992 entries in the herd book were made by Mr. František Rosík.

Koncom roka 1982 skupina chovateľov z Čiech presadzovala požiadavku zaradenia ďalších vlkov do chovu. Pod zámienkou udržať prirodzenú štruktúru populácie, zabrániť erózii genofondu a znížiť mieru príbuzenskej plemenitby sa v Čechách už po ukončení medzidruhového kríženia pristúpilo k novému kríženiu, spojeniu NO BOJAR – a von Schottentrof s karpatskou vlčicou LEJDY zo ZOO Hluboká, ktoré bolo opäť v chovateľskej stanici PS v Libějoviciach v roku 1983. Vybratý pes z tohto spojenia F1 KAZAN z PS bol podľa dostupných záznamov tri krát použitý v plemenitbe. Toto kríženie bolo urobené bez súhlasu klubu a podľa dostupných informácii nebolo prínosom.    

Prvý chovný zvod a bonitácia ČSV sa uskutočnili v novembri 1982 v areáli Zochovej chaty v Malých Karpatoch. Podklady k žiadosti o predbežné uznanie ČSV boli pripravené v spolupráci s Ústrednou odbornou komisiou chovateľov psov ČSCH. Záverečné znenie štandardu ČSV, spracované v Bratislave, komisia FCI odporučila k schváleniu na jednaní v Helsinkách dňa 13.06.1989. Štandard bol schválený pod číslom 332. Poďakovanie patrí vtedajšiemu československému zástupcovi v FCI RNDr. Petrovi Dvořákovi. ČSV bol zaradený do 1. skupiny plemien v klasifikácii FCI na skúšobné desaťročné obdobie.    

V roku 1993 došlo k rozdeleniu ČSFR na dva samostatné štáty , Českú a Slovenskú republiku. Zmluvou medzi Českomoravskou kynologickou úniou a Slovenskou kynologickou jednotou dňa 04.07.1993 v Brne bolo potvrdené, že názov plemena zostáva Československý vlčiak, krajina pôvodu – Československo a garantom plemena ČSV v FCI je Slovenská republika prostredníctvom SKJ.    

Koncom roku 1998 vypracovala komisia KCHČSV SR / pp. F. Rosík, Doc.Ing. E. Kollárová, CSc., RNDr. M. Glosová / podklady k žiadosti o konečné uznanie plemena z materiálov, ktoré získala od všetkých krajín, v ktorých sa ČSV choval.    

SKJ submitted a request and at the general meeting in Mexico on 01.06.1999 the submitted proposal was approved, thus confirming the viability of ČSV, but also the working enthusiasm of Slovak cynologists and breeders. The President of SKJ Ing. Štefan Štefík took this position in the FCI.

Thanks to Mr. František Rosík from Slovakia, many cynologists, breeders and officials of the Slovak and Czech Republics are due to the fact that the intention of breeding a new breed – czechoslovak wolves – has been fulfilled.

(c) KCH CSV SK club 

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(1981) Pohraničná stráž

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